domingo, março 05, 2006

5 Minutos

Presto aqui meu respeito pelas pessoas que cruzam nosso caminhos nos momentos mais inesperados (por vezes inoportunos) e que deixam marcada uma memoria qualquer , que mais tarde , nos intriga a refletir sobre o tempo e a continuidade de cada ser humano sobre a terra .

Segue trechos de um poema Azteca de  
NEZAHUALCOYOTL  (coyote hambriento)
Rei de Texcoco (1403-1472)

“…All the earth is a grave and nothing escapes it, nothing is so perfect that it does not descend to its tomb.
Rivers, rivulets, fountains and waters flow, but never return to their joyful beginnings;
anxiously they hasten on the vast realms of the rain god.
As they widen their banks, they also fashion the sad urn of their burial…

…'When we die,truly we die not,because we will live, we will rise,we will continue living, we will awakenThis will make us happy'…

…Even jade is shattered,Even gold is crushed,Even quetzal plume are torn . . .One does not live forever on this earth:We endure only for an instant!
…Our song is a bird calling out like a jingle:how beautiful you make it sound!Here, among flowers that enclose us,among flowery boughs you are singing…”

A diferenca entre cada homem esta nas marcas deixadas por onde ele passa,
no comeco era a Luz , no fim so’ a memoria.
Doe Amor.

Vina Schhh.............